Monday, April 13, 2015

What I saw - West Point

Water cascading over the creek bed - Fort Duffield, KY

Wildflowers in bloom - Fort Duffield, KY 

A wooded area has been set aside for historic preservation along Highway 31W at West Point.  The U.S. army constructed a fort there during the American Civil War.  The high area where the fort was located could have controlled a large area of the surrounding land.  The fort and the area of  surrounding land was never attacked during the American Civil War.  The winter of 1862 was a harsh winter.  Some of the soldiers in garrison died of their illnesses during that winter.  There is a listing of deaths and the illness for each decedent if known posted at the park.

It is springtime in Kentucky.  There are numerous flowers in bloom along the streams in this historic park.

The quiet beauty of the flowers stands against the loss that occurred at Fort Duffield. The area speaks of healing.

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