Friday, December 26, 2014

Human interactions

Christmas Decorations - Courtyard - Loretto Motherhouse 

How much criticism is the right amount for a situation?   If one practices the formulating of the turnaround about a given interaction then one can see the interaction from a new perspective.  For example if one thinks the following, "David does not take my concerns into account before he decides."  The turnaround viewpoint is "I do not take David's concerns into account before I decide."  This can help with feelings of frustration or isolation.

The idea of intention may be helpful for a situation.  Perhaps one puts an intention of selfishness or laziness in the mind when the other person is not acting with that intention.

Criticize sparingly.

In one of Wendell Berry's poems he writes of loving someone who does not deserve it.  Could you be kind to a person that does not deserve it?  There is germ for thought.

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