Friday, December 19, 2014


Bellarmine University - Louisville, Kentucky
Kentucky was home to Thomas Merton.  This Merton statue may be seen on the Bellarmine campus.  Kentucky was home to Robert Penn Warren.
Wendell Berry lives on land in Henry County with ties to family that goes back over 200 years. 
Harry Caudill wrote of the mountains of Kentucky and of the uniqueness of those hills and valleys.
Thomas Barnes knew Kentucky from border to border and celebrated her woods in the books he authored.

James Lane Allen and John Fox Jr. wrote a century ago. Kim Edwards, Sue Grafton and Barbara Kingsolver are Kentucky authors.  James Still, Jesse Stuart, Harriette Simpson Arnow, Harry M. Caudill, Gurney Norman, Janice Holt Giles, Verna Mae Slone, Elizabeth Madox Roberts and Silas House write or have written from their Kentucky homes.  John James Audubon, Bobbie Ann Mason and Irvin S. Cobb are all from Kentucky.


When appreciating precious things these are some of the things that are in mind.  The place of these people.

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