Monday, October 6, 2014

City by the River

Iroquois Park, Louisville, Kentucky
This block of stone was taken from the project area during the renovation of the McAlpine dam at the Ohio River.  Today it may be appreciated at the Iroquois Olmsted park. Louisville has ties to the Ohio River in many places. The Big Four Bridge connects the Louisville waterfront with a historic neighborhood in Jeffersonville, Indiana. Walkers are rewarded with the views of the moving river and  the skyline.   At one time local Jeffersonville citizens could take the train over the Big Four Bridge to visit in Louisville. Now people can walk or bike and enjoy a similar journey.
A place of quietude is a place of coming home.  Communities are becoming places that are blends of cultures.  Understanding is built on the line of cultures that preceded the understanding.  Home could be the place you were born or the place where you are yourself in harmony with your surroundings.
What do you care about deeply? 
In stillness is the redemption of the self.

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