Saturday, June 9, 2018

Kentucky, Appreciate its land and culture

Falls of Rough, Kentucky
Kentucky makes bourbon. Kentucky grows tobacco. It is the horse capitol of the States. Muhammad Ali was a fighter. A tasty fried chicken recipe. Those are the things that Kentucky is known for.

It is little known that Kentucky is a special place for cavers. The cave exploration community has an affection for the Bluegrass State.

Frederick Law Olmsted make a plan for public parks for many different cities. The city of Louisville in Kentucky was one of the few that got the land and made the places of the visions of Olmsted's plan.

The Red River gorge in Kentucky has ideal cliffs for climbing. There are two institutions that give new climbers courses on how to climb.

The CCC constucted many structures in Kentucky. Most of them can be seen today. The structures were often in scenic settings.

Bill Monroe and Ricky Skaggs popularized the unique style of music known as Bluegrass music.

Horses and tasty fried chicken. There is more to take in than horses and fried chicken.

Explore.  Good for the body.  Hear the music. Be inspired.

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