Friday, December 9, 2016

Having hope and speaking of hope day by day

Outdoor scene - Rough River Dam, Corps of Engineers Property - KY

Laura Hillenbrand spoke to Louis Zamperini on her telephone on an almost daily basis for some time.  There are so many stories that come from our World War II veterans that show us something worth taking to heart. She grew to love her talks with him.  She has a good way of painting word pictures.  Of Louis she wrote, "His laughter was irrepressible because he looked about him and saw only blessings. The most beautiful thing about this wondrous man was that he wished for all of us to see in our own lives what he saw in his. His story was his gift to us."

I have written here about hope.  I will write here about hope.  In the outlook of Louis Zamperini I will write more.

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