Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kentucky Movie

Cultivated Garden - Beechmont Neighborhood - Louisville, KY

It has been said that the most popular movie set in Kentucky is "Goldfinger." The gold vault at Fort Knox does have gold and things placed for safekeeping.    Kentucky has a long tradition of having persons join the armed services.  The gold vault was located so that the soldiers could assist the facility if there was an emergency.  But the idea of great riches or great excess does not really fit Kentucky. The gaudy, the extreme; those are not Kentucky things.  So the movie "Goldfinger" is born of Kentucky; a film set in Kentucky and very much apart from Kentucky.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The practice - being kind

Big Four Pedestrian Bridge - Ohio River - At night

In the morning inside a Thorntons I talk to another customer. I have seen her before. She is buying a bar sold with the label 'Kind' on the bar.  I say that kind is a good word. She agrees. She says it is just as easy to be kind as it is not to be kind. Is that true?  I see and hear things every other day that don't look or sound kind to me.

I would welcome your thoughts.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Prize in Literature

Rural Central Indiana - July 2015 Scene

So comes the news that Bob Dylan has won the Nobel prize in Literature. The United States has so many talented people in this area. I think Carl Sandberg is one we appreciate greatly.  So now we think it over; Bob Dylan's lyrics.  Bob Dylan's lyrics are an American story.

So when you see your neighbour carryin’ somethin’
Help him with his load
And don’t go mistaking Paradise
For that home across the road

Bob Dylan

The phantom of an old workhorse taking the steel point of  a plow
across a forty acre field in spring,
hitched to a harrow in summer,
hitched to a wagon among cornshocks in fall...

Carl Sandburg

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


West Pinnacle - Berea, Kentucky

A horse race of  thoroughbred horses; a meal from chicken; a bourbon. These are things of marketing and promotion. A closer look reveals color and sound and unique sights and sounds of Kentucky.
The hardwood forest of Berea, Kentucky; July, colors, buzzes of cicidas.  

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The popular S80 Aircraft

DC-9, MD-80, S-80 Aircraft

The S80 aircraft were easy to see and take on trips in the '90s in the U.S.  These fun airplanes came in MD-82, MD-83 and MD-88 models. These were made by the same company that made the Gemini and Apollo spacecraft.  The window latches in the cockpit show some of the same design concepts.  Now at 2016 these S-80 aircraft are rare to see.  There are some at DFW in Texas and that is about all there are to see.  The form of the aircraft had an appeal that has been hard to match.

Missing pictures

Monument - Lexington Cemetery - Lexington, KY 

This picture was shown with the post about my grief for the loss of Jenny and Tom.  You may read more at the post with the title "What happened - Sorrow."