Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fear of being hurt

Jefferson Memorial Forest - Wildflowers
Parents in this region and in this country are saying to their children that they want to know where their children are at all times.  If  children are kept from outdoor play they are going to miss exploring the world around them.   Children need to discover tadpoles and dragonflies on their own path of discovery. Children need to absorb the scene that can only be experienced by star light.  It is good for anyone to experience seeing the scene of the land by star light.  If parents were to check they would often find that there is no more crime than at any time in the past thirty years.  The fear of crime drives people to avoid playing and exploring and parents to keep their children under supervision.  Are the risks from being a crime victim beyond the risks of being hampered by cancer, heart disease or pulmonary disease?  Are we letting our fears overtake our ability to decide the journey that would be most enjoyable for us?

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