Friday, November 14, 2014

Thin places - the Smoky Mountains

Horace Kephart wrote of the Smoky Mountains in Our Southern Highlanders.

"Characteristic, too, is the dreamy blue haze, like that of Indian summer intensified, that ever hovers over the mountains, unless they be swathed in cloud, or, for a few minutes, after a sharp rain-storm has cleared the atmosphere. Both the Blue Ridge and the Smoky Mountains owe their names to this tenuous mist. It softens all outlines, and lends a mirage-like effect of great distance to objects that are but a few miles off, while those farther removed grow more and more intangible until finally the sky-line blends with the sky itself."
 - Horace Kephart
The Smoky Mountains - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

We have some of the most beautiful places in our valleys and mountains.  Thin places are places where it is said that the boundary between earth and heaven is a thinner boundary.

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