Monday, January 15, 2018

Our sun

Seeing the August 2017 eclipse from Russellville, Kentucky where there was totality gives one the huge dimensions of the event.  Many of the celebrants had the NASA logo on their shirts.  NASA had the forecast correct.  Our sun seems close and almost friendly. Almost familiar.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Christmas and blue times

Frozen water Cumberland Falls SRP in the Daniel Boone NF

For people that loved the sights and sounds of Christmas present day holiday times can be disappointing.  The days after Christmas can feel bad for some celebrants.  If Christmas 2001 is over  the approaching holiday of Christmas 2002 is not a consolation.  Each season is its own experience.  There are stores in East Tennessee and other places that sell Christmas ornaments year round.  So Christmas is a big event or a favorite time for many people.  People that love Christmas can carry the Jingle Bells music in their head regardless of what the rest of the people are doing.   Wearing that Santa hat is a fun thing for a while but the hat must be put away in the post Christmas days.